I received this product for free to review.
Hey everyone! OK so this one is about something that is all the rage overseas and just picking up steam here. You know the girls with the huge eyes that look like doll babies? This is what they use.
The difference between these and regular colored contacts is that these are colored all the way to the edges with a dark band and that is what makes them circle lenses. This company has lots of different colors and styles to offer and has a pretty cool deal when you purchase two pairs at once they send you a real cute contacts case. Now personally these didn't work out great for me. I hadn't worn contact lenses before and it took me longer than 2 weeks just to get one in my eye. I never could get the other in and turns out I couldn't get the other out either. Luckily my doctor was able to remove it. This holds no bearing on the company itself but only my inexperience. I only mention this because I don't want people who've never tried them to think contacts are easy. I also found that they didn't line up well with my pupil either making my vision a bit blurry. Anyway you can pick up a set for yourself here.
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